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Brushstrokes, Edges and Painting Loosely

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Many of us are drawn to a painting style that is “loose”. Loose as opposed to “ tight” or full of hard edges.

We think of the French impressionist masters: Renoir, and how the women he paints look so soft. Monet, who can turn a garden or pond into an abstract profusion of well-orchestrated colors that at a distance from the canvas, turn into an organized scene. Cezanne, whose work in his later years seemed to break down a subject into component parts, a process which inspired Picasso and opened the door to a new modern painting era. Van Gogh, whose textured strokes give a sense of movement and whose bold colors give a vibrancy to his unique works.

Learn the 4 elements of Looseness, learn how these elements are used in masterworks of French Impressionist artists like Renoir and Monet, and learn how to apply these concepts and skills to your paintings.

- Learn about the different types of Edges and how to use them to take your paintings to the next level.

- Learn about the power of Suggestion and learn techniques that promote restraint in using too much detail.

- Learn about cool apps and brushwork techniques that can help you paint more loosely.

DATE: Sunday, February 21, 2021
TIME: 10 am - 4 pm
INSTRUCTOR: Valerie Collymore
PRICE: $155

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